For every tear drop that falls,
Your heart pours out a waterfall.
We don't see it,
and rarely do we feel it.
Only when we call on you do we know.
My comfort dwells in you,
Yet only by you grace do I know.
I long for my pain to end,
I yearn for pure joy.
These are only accomplished through you.
Please heal my pain.
How hard it is to trust someone you can't see.
The thought that they're with you always,
is hard to believe.
Yet you're told He's there,
Holding your hand,
Hugging you when you cry,
Carrying you when you call,
Protecting you from evil,
Leading you down your paths.
He see's your every move,
Knows your every thought.
Yet he still loves us.
So, how can we trust him?
To trust something we can't see,
it's almost impossible.
But what's impossible to man,
is possible with God,
If all we do is trust him.
If only you knew how you looked to me.
If only you could see through my eyes you'd see so much more
You'd see a girl who picked me up when everyone pushed me down.
You'd see the star I know you are,
and the modle you could be.
You'd see those beautiful green eyes I wish I had.
If you could see through my eyes,
you wouldn't care what guys thought of you.
You'd know it's whats on the inside that counts.
You'd know that how you treat others would gain so much more than anything else
The problem is, you can't see
So unless I tell you, you'll never know.
I just need to find the right words to say to make you believe,
that no matter what you look like,
You're still beautiful to me.